Sunday, November 8, 2015

Halcon Build Log - Kit Review

Kit Review

Good day everyone! I've actually done this kit and only now decided to write a review and build log about it. Hope you guys like it.

Manufacturer: Unicorn Model (China)
Kit Name: Halcon Baltimore Clipper
Scale: 1:48
Length: 760mm
Heigth: 550mm
Width: 250mm
Level: Begineer

This kit is actually a pirated version of Mantua 'Albatross' Baltimore clipper, except the Chinese manufacturer makes it bigger, and the studding yards are removed too. Surprisingly the kit isn't that bad.. actually it can be considered good comparing to the price.. Just 760 from TaoBao!

Let's go through the pictures:

Unboxing... everything looks good besides the instruction booklet is in Mandarin. :p 

The plywood parts including false keel, bulkheads, and.... Fake Planked Deck!! zzz... Seriously it looks ugly, and I didn't use it. I planked by deck the 'traditional' way. Anyway, the plywood quality is fine. 

As shown are the laser-cut parts for the launch boat, cannon carriages, cross trees, etc. What surprised me here is the piece on the top right corner. It's actually American walnut and the manufacturer uses it for stem, stern post, keel, and rudder pieces. Others pieces are Red Cherry wood referring to the kit's booklet.

The wood strips don't look bad too (sorry for the bad image quality). Lime strips for 1st layer hull planking; Sapele for the 2nd layer (which I changed to Walnut strips later); and beech wood for other parts like wales and waterway. 

Sorry to say that I did not take photos on the rest of the parts, so I'll just comment here. The kit also comes with photo-etching parts for rudder hinges, deck pump arm, and anchor brackets (cast metal for anchors). For brass parts, it comes with 6 broad side cannons and one in the middle of the deck, together with axles for different sizes. Threads quality is mehh... Black threads are fine, but the color for running rig is too orange-ish.. and, oh ya.. the kit also come with sails.

The reason this kit is rated as Beginner level is that most of the parts are pre-cut. For example, the fake plank deck as I mentioned just now, and even the slots of pin rails, fife rails, rudder are also pre-cut! I believe that the manufacturer is trying to make this kit 'assemble and rig and done'. lol

Anyway, I'd say it still worth the price. I upgraded a lot on this kit, e.g. changed the hull planks to Walnut, purchased various sizes of blocks, added helm, etc. I really enjoyed the whole process. :) 

You can drop me a comment if you have any question. :)

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