Sunday, June 9, 2013

HMS Race Horse Build Log - Day 29 to 30

Day 29 to 30 - 12 hours Work

Finally my long waited LEDs have arrived, here it is!!!

LED Earrings

They are actually LED earrings, and I just love the colour of the light!! I chose to use earrings as my cabin's lighting because they are small, easy to switch on/off, and most importantly I can save a lot of my time on wiring! I think it's really practical on smaller ship or cabin like my Race Horse, and cost effective. They cost me only USD$3.30! :)

Before I even purchase the LED earrings, I've already thought of using barrels to 'hide' the battery. I've also added barrel holder, as shown:

Barrel Holder

I was sitting on my working place, and staring at my ship, thinking a way to switch on the light from the deck.. and I've finally came up with this..

'Holder Pin' to Help Switching on from Deck

I added a 'holder pin' that will pin through a barrel on the poop deck,  so that it can be switched on by just moving the barrel. Like this: 

Pin Through Poop Deck

The barrel holder is not glued to the deck, so that it can move freely to switch on the LED. And a hole is drilled on a barrel to hold the pin.

Hole to Hold Pin

Push the pin in, and they are a switch. :) This whole thing can be taken out anytime, so that one day when the battery dries off they are still changeable. Only if the LED gone, then it is gone.

Camouflage Switch 

Meanwhile, the LED is set through the sash of the door in the cabin, and glued to hold its position tight. 

Big Diamond in the Cabin :P

A secure pin is also added to 'lock' the LED still.

Earring Pin Through the Sash of the Door

So, it's how it looks like now :)
OK, I know the capstan and the barrels are too close together :P But there's no way I can put my switch elsewhere. :D

Poop Deck Full Fittings

Here's the result when the light is on. :) Yea, the switch is so sensitive until it seems like the barrels are not even moved! 

Light On

After the poop deck is done, I can finally glue everything on deck in place. Since I took out my bombard shots for photo shooting last time and did not seal them back, they have already rusted.

To solve it, I 're-blacken' them using my metal blackener. Surprisingly, it gave a better result! The surface became rougher, instead of shiny looks before! :)

Bombard Shot After Re-blackening

To give a darker view, I coated with a layer of tyre shine.

Coated with Tyre Shine

And when I'm too bored... :P 
My 'Bomb-bell-shots Droid'... weirdo name.. LOL

'Bomb-bell-shots Droid'

Pin racks are on too.

Pin Racks On

Leftover shots stacked up. 

Leftover Shots Stacked Up

Well, the manual doesn't design ladders to the poop deck from the quarter, but I think it's better to have. Since I don't have enough pre-cut ladder left, I glued the other side directly on the bulwark. Like this: 

2 Ladders Added 

Now, with all the tritium vials left unused, I really have to come up with more ideas to utilise them! Since I've 2 bigger ones (1.5mm * 12mm), I will use one of them as poop deck lamp.

Using back the same technique as I did last time on smaller lamps, I've came up with this. 

Poop Lamp Design

And sprayed it to gold colour.

Completed Lamp
In position. :)
Here's a good comparison on the brightness of a normal LED light and tritium vial. In light presence condition, you just can't see the tritium light. It's just a luminant body after all.

Lamp In Position

Stern View
Anyway, it looks good at night! And for 25 years!! :D

-End of Day 30-

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